
This week Nick and I did a lot of brainstorming for our project. We still want to try to get Bradley Martyn to sponsor us and possibly host the event at his gym but, if that doesn’t work out we discussed other possible sponsors and locations to hold the event. To go along with events and sponsors, we also thought about other aspects of the lift off. These include possible events and competitions at the lift off, ideas to raise more money, and when we would have it. We documented all of our ideas in the notes app and have attached screenshots of them to this post.


  1. Hey, I was wondering if either of you had a youtube channel. I think the best way to reach your desired sponsor would be by creating videos and reaching out to him about your project and aspirations. Be persistent. Leave comments on his videos, make videos, and see if he has any other public contact information. Best of luck.

  2. Thanks for your feedback. We have taken it into consideration and discuss what’s the best way do to it.

  3. Replies
    1. Our target is really anyone who wants to participate . we probably are going to separate the women and Men and have a competition for each


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