Recap Of Our Event
When we got to the highschool on the day of the meet Charles was already there with all of the volunteers. Nick and I quickly set up our signs to direct people and we set up a table outside the weight room for food and drinks. We talked to Charles and Andrew about how everything was going to go. What lift would be going on at what rack, how to spot, etc. We waited for people to arrive. By the time 12 hit no one had showed up yet. We waited a while longer and still no one showed up. We believed we would get a decent amount of people to show up with all the advertising we did. We had posters up at all the gyms around town and Andrew pushed it along to other trainers at other schools. But seeing as how that was the day of prom and the combine was the next day, that hurt out chances of people coming.
I am sorry to hear that you two. I wish I could have been of more assistance myself, or participated in your event. I've heard of a lot of people having trouble getting attendance at their classes/events lately. The unseasonably nice weather could be cause for that. Best of luck to you guys in the future. Keep your original goals and ambitions in heart!